Episode 2: Self-Care Tips for Healers: Beyond The Bubble Bath

In episode 2 of The Other 23 Hours Podcast, we share 5 self-care tips for healers (ie coaches, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents, anyone who gives out energy to others.)

Over the pandemic, Julie and Kelsey quickly realized that there was a a lot of overlap between the struggles of their clients, even though they work in different fields. 

Mental and physical health is deeply intertwined, so we will dive into these topics from both a clinical lens as well as a health and fitness perspective. 

You'll leave each episode with action steps that you can put into practice right away in order to show up as your best for yourself, your communities, and your clients. 

In this episode, you'll hear... 


  • 6:50- Professional Care 

  • 14:00- Physical Care 

  • 22:00- Mental/Emotional Care

  • 26:04- Environmental Care

  • 29:25- Social Care 

  • 32:10- This weekโ€™s action item 

Action Item: 

Write down each self-care category from the episode (or as many as you'd like.) 
-professional, physical, mental/emotional, environmental, social 

Write one thing you can add in each category that is filling up your charging station. 

Write one thing you can remove from each category that is not serving you. 

Think of the list as a living, non-linear document. 

Keep editing it throughout your life, as things change for you. 


We Can Do Hard Things Podcast Episode with Luvvie Ajaye Jones: Are Your Friendships Draining or Charging You?



  • Follow The Other 23 Hours Podcast  on Instagram @theother23hourscoaching 

  • Subscribe and follow on all podcast platforms and activate notifications for new episodes 


Episode 3: Outside The Binaryโ€” 3 Ways To Manage Your Expectations Around Your Health Goals


Episode #1: When a therapist and a trainer make a podcast