Episode 11: Is All Stress Bad?

In this week's episode of The Other 23 Hours, good stress versus bad stress. 

Is there a difference? 

Why is some stress an important part of reaching our goals inside and outside the gym? 

7:00- Good Stress and Bad Stress Has a Similar Impact On Our Minds and Bodies 
19:45- Preventative Strategies to Interrupt Stress 
24:00- Parasympathetic Activities 
30:00- Action Item

Action Item:

Spend time paying attention to what it feel like in your brain and body when you feel overwhelmed.

Make a list of what these physical and mental experiences look like for you.

Part 2:

Go back to the parasympathetic activities list.

Try out a new activity or use what you already know works.

When those "symptoms" or stress experiences come up for you, pick one activity from the list to try.




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Episode 12: School's Out For Summer Season 1 Finale!


Episode 10: Sleepβ€” The Most Underrated Mental and Physical Health Strategy On The Planet